Guide to the Course
First hole
Lake to the right is a lateral penalty area, right round to the green. A player who plays a stroke over the lake must agree with his partners that the ball fell into the water before the ball is deemed to be in the lateral penalty area. If there is no agreement and the ball is not found – the ball is deemed to be lost.
Into the river to the left of the green is out of bounds.
Ditch behind the green and the lake to the right of the green are lateral penalty areas
Second hole
River to the right is out of bounds.
Ditch beyond the trees behind the green is a lateral penalty area.
Third hole
Ditch in front of the tee is a penalty area. Pond in front of the green is a penalty area. If the ball lands in the pond or hits the far bank but falls back into the pond, you must play over the penalty area on a point, in line with the flag, where the ball last crossed the penalty area or retake the shot
Ditch to the right and pond to the left are lateral penalty areas. If your ball crosses the ditch to the right of the green and comes to rest in the wooded area, play the ball as it lies or treat as unplayable. If the ball is not found treat as a lost ball
If your ball falls into the water behind the green, or is in an awkward lie on the slope down to the lake, take a penalty drop within two club lengths of the drop zone post to the back left of the green.
NOTES 4th, 5th and 6th holes – All have, as a lateral penalty area, two ditches, one either side of a road which runs between them.
Each ditch is a penalty area in its own right, they are not connected and should be treated as such according to the rules of golf, ie: two club lengths from point of entry or as far back as you wish, within bounds, in a line from the point of entry to the pin on the green. For instance, you cannot drop two club lengths from the nearside ditch if your ball has entered the far ditch
The road remains a free drop and relief may be taken within one club length of the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole. Note that this could mean your nearest point of relief is next to the hedge alongside the fourth hole if your ball is at rest on the far side of the road when playing the 6th hole, line of sight relief is not then available as it is a free drop.
Fourth hole
Pond to the right of the tee box is a lateral penalty area
Lake in front of the tee is a penalty area
Ditches across the ground on the right of the fairway are penalty areas.
Fifth hole
Lake in front of the tee is a penalty area
The lake to the right of the green, and the lake at the back of the green are lateral penalty areas.
The ditch to the left and behind the green are lateral penalty areas.
Sixth hole
Lake to the right is a lateral penalty area, all the way round to the back of the 7th tee box. A penalty drop can be taken two
club lengths from where the ball crossed into the penalty area.
Pond in front of the green is a penalty area.
Seventh hole
Lake between tee and green is a penalty area
Lake to the right of the green is a lateral penalty area. The trees and poor ground on the steep slope down to the water are included in the lateral penalty area. If players are sure the ball has pitched over the lake between the tee and green,take a penalty drop within 2 club lengths of the drop zone post.or play the ball as it lies. If the ball is seen to pitch straight into the lake, then take a penalty drop before the lake.
Eighth hole
Both ditches are penalty areas in their own right. The road is a free drop and relief may be taken at the nearest point of relief no more than one club length back from the first ditch
The approach to the bridge is a laid path, take relief (without penalty). The concrete bridges either side of the road are part of the penalty area – play the ball as it lies or take a penalty drop. Approach to the bridge is a laid path – take relief (without penalty)
If you hit the power lines or post supporting them – The ball MUST be replayed.
Ditch behind the green is a lateral penalty area.
Ninth hole
Ditch in front of the tee is a penalty area. Bridge is part of the penalty area.
Ditch on the left as you approach the green is a lateral penalty area
Tenth hole
Ditch on the left is a lateral penalty area
Pond on the left as you approach the green is a lateral penalty area
Eleventh hole
River on the right out of bounds.
Twelfth hole
Lake to the left is a lateral penalty area. If the ball is seen to hit the trunk of any trees on the corner and falls back into the water a penalty drop may betaken at the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard. River on the right is out of bounds.
Ditch behind the green is a lateral penalty area,
Thirteenth hole
Lake on the left is a lateral penalty area. The scrub to the left of the green over the bank is included in the lateral penalty area River on the right is out of bounds
Fourteenth hole
River on the right is out of bounds.
Pond on the left is a lateral penalty area
Ditch crossing the fairway around the corner is a penalty area
Small pond to the left of the approach to the green is a lateral penalty area as is the ditch and trees, including the track through the area, to the left of the green
Ditch to the right is a lateral penalty area.
Ditch behind the green to the left of the path through to the 15th summer tee is a lateral penalty area. Take a penalty drop within 2 club lengths of the drop zone post.
Fifteenth hole
Beyond the fence on the right of the fairway is out of bounds
The 15th winter hole in its entirety up to a point marked by two green and white posts approx. 70 yards from the green is out of bounds
Ditch and the lake to the right of the fairway approaching the fairway bunkers are lateral penalty areas
Ditch running along the hedge of trees on the far left is a lateral penalty area
Ditch alongside the 16th tee is a lateral penalty area
Lake behind the green is a lateral penalty area
Winter Fifteenth hole
The 15th Summer hole in its entirety up to a point of infinity through the two green and white posts approx. 70 yards from the green is out of bounds.
Lake on the left of the fairway is a lateral penalty area
Ditch alongside the 16th tee is a lateral penalty area
Sixteenth hole
Ditch on the left is a lateral penalty area
Beyond the fence on the right is out of bounds
Lake on the far left and the continuing ditch to the left of the green are lateral penalty area
Seventeenth hole
Out of bounds all the way down the right of the fairway – see out of bounds definition
Ditch in front of the tee box is a penalty area
Both ditches with the road between them are penalty areas in their own right. The road is a free drop and relief may be taken at the nearest point of relief no more than one club length back from the first ditch
The concrete bridges either side of the road are part of the penalty area – play the ball as it lies or take a penalty drop. The approach to the bridge is a laid path, take relief (without penalty).
Eighteenth hole
Continuing out of bounds down the right of the fairway – see out of bounds definition