Ladies play regularly on Monday mornings throughout the year.
During the summer months, both weekdays and weekends, we have a full programme of qualifiers (Medals, Stablefords and trophy competitions) as well as fun games and friendly matches with other clubs. There is a Ladies summer knockout competition and senior mixed knockouts, both singles and pairs.
We are very much a mixed club. A mixed Seniors section (over 55’s) play on Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and there are mixed events, competitions, fun games and mixed friendly matches for weekend players.
Club Captains Day in July is open to all members to enjoy a special day as a club.
We are affiliated to Bedfordshire County Golf Ltd (recently unified Men & Women sections) which offers opportunities to play in county events, competitions and friendly matches.
England Golf manage our handicap, insure us and tempt us with national competitions.
The ladies section is run by a committee, with assistance from other lady members.
We enjoy fun days at home and away, whether it is for a day or a weekend, with or without dressing-up !
New members are warmly welcomed at any time.